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Help For Gamblers and Those Affected by Their Gambling

The State of California now has a program that will pay for your counseling.

"Problem gambling can affect everyday life situations. Depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties and mood swings can all be related to problem gambling. Almost 1 million adults in California experience these or similar symptoms."*

And, it's not just the gambler that suffers negative effects on their lives from problem gambling. The average gambler owes 7 other people money. This creates tremendous difficulty, not only for the gambler, but their family and friends.

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a gambling problem*, the State of California will pay for your counseling. The state, in conjunction with UCLA, has trained a group of therapists to provide this treatment and support. 

This confidential service is FREE to gamblers and anyone affected by their gambling.

Call us with your questions:      818 788-2738

*this includes people who have had problems with stock trading.



If you are not sure about the severity of your gambling, try this 20 question test:

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